Rules which are good to know!
- CH members can obtain approval to conduct Special Operations in Switzerland Division by contacting us with the button below. After filling a form with few questions to demonstrate their knowledge, and once permission has been granted, an updated Special Operations Order will been approved and published with the user’s VID listed. Then, they may perform Special Operations in that Division with no additional restrictions placed.
- Please read all SO rules carefully!
- New SO member will also have a new DISCORD role.
- All non-division member who wants to come fly in OAT in Switzerland must request an authorization by email 72 hours to CH-HQ.
General Regulations
S.1.1 Special Operation flights are all flights operating as Operational Air Traffic (OAT) regulations.
S.1.2 Special Operations on IVAO are defined as aerial military operations, aerial work and other aviation flights, be that activities or operations that are performed under rules and procedures other than those that fully comply with ICAO Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPs) or other civil rules and procedures. Controlling military units and other units, other than civil air traffic services, responsible for flights mentioned above also fall under the regulation of Special Operations.
- S.1.2.1 The definition in Regulation 1.2. includes, among others, the following (this list is NOT exhaustive): Aerial Military Operations, Aerial Work or Specialised Operations, Police and Customs Operations, Any Specialised or High-Risk Aerial Operations and Any Other Aviation Flight (activities or · operations) that deviate from ICAO SARPS or other civil rules and procedures (such as flights conducted below minimum heights, helicopter operations outside the height velocity diagram etc.)
S.1.3 Special Operations Regulations and any other addition (permanent or temporary) are mandatory for compliance by all IVAO users.
S.1.4 It is strictly prohibited to organise or perform any activity on the IVAO network that recreates either entirely or in part, present or past, any real-world warfare or significant real-world event that led to the loss of life. Furthermore, it is prohibited to conduct any activities or operations that may antagonise any user of IVAO or create controversy, irrespective of the reason.
S.1.5 Military operations constitute a significant part of Special Operations; the execution of specific military operations in full compliance with these regulations shall not be interpreted by spectators as a simulation of aggression. Furthermore, real-world perspectives or events shall not influence a spectators’ interpretation of military operations when they are being performed in compliance with these regulations.
S.1.6 Special Operations activities or operations may only be carried out by users within the airspace of their Division as stated on their profile. Exemptions to this are:
- S.1.6.1 Approval has been obtained from a Division other than the members own and their VID is present on that Division’s current Special Operations Order.
- S.1.6.2 In a division that has declared that there is no requirement to get permission to fly SO within that Division. (as per Regulation 1.7).
- S.1.6.3 Partaking in (unplanned) activities or operations where traceable permission (message, email) form the hosting Division has been obtained, and the activities are supervised by division staff for the duration of the activities.
- S.1.6.4 Partaking in activities or operations as part of a Special Operations Event.
- S.1.6.5 Partaking in activities or operations as part of a Special Operations Tour.
- S.1.6.6 Partaking in activities or operations of a Special Operations Group which is registered to that Division and the user is an enrolled member or has been included in such activities or events by a SOG that it is registered in a division.
- S.1.6.7 Partaking in activities or operations in a country where no established division exists (as per Regulation 1.6).
S.1.7 It is prohibited to perform Special Operation activities or operations/missions of a military kind in a country without an active division. Non-military activities or operations can be performed so long as the aircraft type(s) being utilised are not capable of carrying weapons or munitions by design. Aircraft that can carry munitions can only fly in such countries to transit via the area and shall not conduct any missions and therefore not conduct a Special Operations flight.
S.1.8 A Division may wish to forgo the requirement for users from other divisions to gain permission to fly SO in the Division. Therefore, allowing any users to conduct SO without prior permission and this shall be indicated within the divisions SO Order.
S.1.9 Aircraft shall not be flown in segregated or restricted airspace that has been published in a Division’s Special Operations Orders or on the IVAO NOTAM system except under the conditions of the airspace restrictions.
- Interceptions Aircraft shall adhere to the following rules when intercepting other air traffic in Switzerland airspaces:
- Military aircraft shall be used to perform interceptions
- Interceptions are prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the aircraft that is to be intercepted and the ATC station the intercept is to be performed on.
- Non-RVSM equipped aircraft shall not proceed within 2000ft vertical separation or 5NM longitudinal and lateral separation of any other aircraft unless prior permission from the intercepted pilot and ATC has been acquired.
- RVSM equipped aircraft shall not proceed within 1000ft vertical separation or 5NM longitudinal and lateral separation of any other aircraft unless prior permission from the intercepted pilot and ATC has been acquired.
- ATC stations shall notify the appropriate other ATC stations of the (intention to) intercept in case the aircraft involved are about to transition into another ATC station’s airspace. Aircraft (re)joining their own or other formations are not considered to be performing an intercept and are thus exempted from above mentioned rules.
Supersonic Flight regulations
- Any speed exceeding the value of Mach 0.95 is considered supersonic;
- The supersonic activity of SO flights can be carried out only as OAT (Operational Air Traffic);
- The supersonic activity of Switzerland military aircraft overhead the national territory is allowed for training within the TSA Areas available on item1 (or eventually within temporary areas announced by specific NOTAM), with prior approval of air traffic control
- Supersonic flight is allowed only above FL245 and with the coordination of an ATC. Without an ATC supersonic flight is not allowed. When approved by ATC a minimum distance of 10NM from any airways as well as a distance of 20NM from any traffic should be kept all the time
- Any pilot flying under OAT with a fighter must comply with the 350 kt speed restriction under FL100 and M0.95 at or above FL100.
Formation restrictions
Aircraft flying in formation in Switzerland shall adhere to the following rules:
- formation aircraft shall remain within 1NM lateral and longitudinal separation from their leader
- formation aircraft shall remain within 100ft vertical separation from their leader
- only the formation leader shall activate his transponder unless otherwise instructed by ATC
All military airports in Switzerland are restricted to ADC and higher rated controllers.
Official Rules and Regulations by IVAO.AERO
Special Operations – List of approved members.
Here you will find the list of members freelance who are authorized to evoluate as part of SO activities in the Switzerland division.
Thomas Mota | 718741 | 12/09/2024 | CH |
Louan Delorme | 731895 | 12/08/2024 | FR |